The best way to not impress a girl on the street

Yesterday, I was talking to my new “coach.”

And I found myself saying stupid things.

Not stupid stupid.

But stupid as in, things he already knew, things I didn’t need to say, but I was saying in the hopes of looking smart.

It’s a universal rule:

If you try to impress, you end up doing the opposite. Whatever that’s called. Unimpressing.

This applies to coaches. To people you’ve just met at a party. To girls you’ve just met on the street.

Do not impress. Don’t do it. Ever.

“Easier said than done, John Gutter!”

No. It’s not hard to do.

In fact it feels good.

Whenever you find yourself nervous… and you get a hankering to do or say something… and a warm feeling washes over you because you expect you will “feel okay” as a result of it…

Then hold off.

Don’t do anything.

Or do something, but not that thing you think will impress.