Positive reinforcement

I read a book recently, and the author, a psychologist by trade, offhandedly mentioned how studies have repeatedly shown:

Positive reinforcement produces better learning outcomes than negative reinforcement.

So for the first time ever, I’ve been trying it with daygame.

Of course, I had always given myself some nominal encouragement.

“Good that you approached. Now here’s what you could have done better…”

I’ve stopped that.

I only tell myself the good stuff now.

And the more good stuff I tell myself, the more bubbles up to the surface.

“But how do you get better if you don’t face up to the negatives?”

It’s a fair question. And I don’t have an answer.

For now, I’ve decided to just focus on the positive. If I find after some time that I am stagnating this way, I might reconsider.

“Good for you. What about me though?”

Well, maybe you too can try it. It might make you feel better. It might help you conserve energy and get more approaches done. And it might actually cause you to enjoy doing game instead of having to will yourself through it each time.