I went out this morning and while I had good intentions and even did some behind-the-girl jogging, I did not approach.
And so I faced facts and admitted to myself that I’ve fallen off the daygame horse once again.
It’s time to pick myself up and climb back on. But how?
Here are 10 things that were happening the last time I succeeded:
1. I went out first thing in the morning
2. I gave myself easy and manageable goals (“Just approach one girl, give her a compliment, and you’re golden”)
3. I used the “negative stripline” to goad myself on
4. I stayed in non-stressful areas that still had some traffic
5. I took breaks to rest physically and negotiate with myself
6. I accepted what I am doing is not scalable and doesn’t have to be scalable
7. I stayed out as long as it took to do the number of approaches that I’d set for that day
8. I approached the first girl or very early after going out
9. I went back to places where I’d been having success before
10. I went to bed on time the night before and slept as well as I could
So there are some things that I can try again. Thing is, I actually approached a girl in the afternoon today, when I was coming back from the gym.
I ran after her, stopped her, told her in a halting but unstoppable way that she looked nice. I said goodbye and as I was walking away, she yelled after me
“That was very nice, keep doing what you’re doing.”
So there you go. A bit of motivation. But these kinds of nice and spontaneous and random encounters don’t happen on their own. They happen because you’ve gone out at other times, like a maniac, just to struggle against yourself and to approach girls.
Which is what I’m going to do again tomorrow. Using the 10 techniques above. (Negative stripline: “That’s what you say tonight. You will probably fail tomorrow because fear will engulf you. Why do this to yourself?”)
If you too face a sometimes overwhelming approach resistance, then I hope some of the above ideas will help you break through as well.