I still suck.
I’ll get to talking to a girl. If she isn’t into me, if the vibe isn’t good right away, my brain goes blank.
I can’t even make an assumption about the girl. She looks so plain. Of course, she’s not. My brain is playing tricks on me.
So to play tricks on my brain, I’ve come up with an ACRONYM. It’s to help me focus my attention on a specific facet of this girl, so I can make an assumption about that specifically.
Country — You look French… It must be the croissant you’re eating.
Outfit — Up top, you’re very elegant and professional… and then you have these very, very unprofessional leggings on…
Local — You must not be a local girl. You’re too friendly and nice.
Activity — I get the feeling you’re about to meet your friends and gossip about boys.
Work — You’re studying? Let me try to guess what…
Ambitious — You seem very ambitious. I’m a little scared of you. And I pity all the poor people who will work under you one day.
Secret — Are you the one girl who’s always late to everything and all her friends are waiting?