12 reasons why I hate daygame weekends

1. The city is empty compared to weekdays.

2. The few streets where there are people are too crowded.

3. Everybody’s paired up in couples instead of walking nice and alone.

4. Nobody is out in the morning when I like to go out, and I have to wait for the midday heat.

5. Shopping malls? Does everybody live in a shopping mall during the weekend?

6. The weekends really only come alive in the evening. And that’s when I go to bed.

7. I feel like more of a stalker on a weekend than on the weekdays.

8. If I do run into daygame competition, it’s more likely to happen on the weekend.

9. If I do run into random other streetside competition, like gypsies trying to get you to sign a petition for the deaf so they can claim you owe them money, it’s more likely to happen on the weekend.

10. Everybody goes to family lunches.

11. On Sunday’s there’s church. How can you chase girls with implied offers of sex when they are on their way to church? I’m not Giaccomo Casanova.

12. I lose all my momentum and routine that I built up during the week.

Anyways, that’s my whining rant. And 12 reasons I didn’t approach today.

None of which are good enough.

And now the question becomes, what will I do to adapt? Hhow will I problem-solve, so this doesn’t happen again?

Maybe this weekend conundrum isn’t relevant to you. But odds are you’ve got some sticking points, too. So don’t copy my rant above if it doesn’t apply to you. But do copy my attitude of finding a way to adapt and to move across, around, or through whatever barrier is in front of you right now.